Description Aims and Objectives
The AGC is an umbrella organisation for charities in the Bailiwick of Guernsey and was formed in 1984. The objects of the Association are to encourage charitable and community work on the Island, and co-operation between members. The Association does not interfere with the activities of members but, through the Council, gives advice and information about charity matters in Guernsey both to members and interested parties.
The States of Guernsey have agreed to donate the proceeds of the Channel Islands Christmas Lottery for distribution amongst the membership of the Association. Members can apply for a grant by completing an application form, which will be available on the website (see "Guides & Information"). Applications must contain full details of requirements and must also be supported by full accounts. If any charity subsequently has their needs satisfied from other sources, this should be advised to the Secretary, so that their application may be amended or withdrawn.
Members pay an initial £10 fee to join the AGC and can expect the following from their membership:
1 One General Meeting and two Forums each year
2 An up-to-date website (although this will only be achieved when the new website is launched)
3 Regular Newsletter, with ad-hoc Member Bulletins when needed
4 Sector meetings where there is sufficient interest within the sector
5 Robust and professional Lottery Grant Allocation process with sufficient transparency
6 Representation of the Third Sector with other bodies on your behalf
7 Collection of ad-hoc donations on behalf of the whole Charity Sector, but not active fund-raising
See "About the AGC" for details of how to join.